About Us

about common ground

Common Ground is a nonprofit organization that is home to summer day camps for youth, adult team-building programs, and custom-designed seminars.

We have a top-rated zipline canopy tour open to the public, the proceeds from which are reinvested in our youth programs. We are located on 30 wooded acres along the Vermilion River just 10 minutes west of Oberlin, Ohio.

our mission

Common Ground provides experience-based programming to foster life-long exploration, learning and growth of youth and adults.

our vision

Connected communities of empathetic individuals who are aware of the themselves, others and the environment.

Our Values

Community, Adventure, Mindfulness, Creativity, Learning, Authenticity, Responsibility, Nature.

Our Founder Rose bator

and Benefactor Cindy Nord

Common Ground sprang from the vision, passion and commitment of its founder Rose Bator, Founder and President Emeritus of Common Ground, is an educator, spiritual counselor, writer, and consultant. Rose guided and directed the organization from 1994-2005. Rose has been an invited presenter at national and international forums on peace and justice, particularly as they relate to women and children.

Common Ground – The Cindy Nord Center for Renewal would not have attained its current level of extraordinary programming, services, and facilities were it not for the generosity and support of our benefactor Cindy Nord. Dr. Cindy Nord, child psychologist, author, and community philanthropist, lived for many years in Oberlin, OH, and currently resides in South Carolina, where she is an active supporter of numerous community initiatives and organizations.

founders of common ground canopy tours
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